Office Policy

  Preferred Provider

Every attempt will be made to schedule you with your preferred provider. We encourage our patients to follow with the same provider when possible. We enjoy providing continuity of care and following our patients through the years in sickness and in health.

  Prescription Refills

Please bring all your prescription bottles to your routine visits. Your provider will electronically send all refills at that time. When you are in need of a prescription refill, we ask that you contact your pharmacy and have them notify us. You can request refills via the patient portal at any time. Please do not wait until you are out of your medicine to contact us, allow 48 hours for all refills. We ask that you do not call our emergency service after hours for refills.

  Referral Requests

We make every effort to have your referrals done before your specialist visit. In order to do this, we must ask that you request your referral 2-3 business days prior to your appointment. You may leave your request on our referral line 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. We will not issue a referral if you have not been seen by our doctor for the problem or we did not refer you to the specialist.

  Missed Appointments

As a courtesy, our office sends appointment reminders electronically via the phone number listed in your chart. It is your obligation to keep track of your scheduled appointments. To cancel an appointment, you may call at any time. If the office is not open, you may leave a message canceling your appointment. Our policy is to charge $25.00 for missed appointments not canceled within a reasonable (24 hr.) amount of time. These charges will be your responsibility and billed directly to you. Please help us to serve you better by keeping your regularly scheduled appointments.